As I listened to these lines from Atomic Habits, I thought about home buyers touring a home for sale...
"The Human body has 11 million sensory receptors. 10 million are dedicated to sight!
The most powerful human sensory ability is vision. Some experts estimate that HALF of the brains resources are used on vision. Given that we are more dependent on vision than any other sense, it's no surprise that visual cues are the greatest catalyst to our behavior.
A small change in what you see can lead to a big shift in what you do."
Think about how important the buyer's visual response is when they see your listing photos, pull up in front of your house or walk into your front door. If what they see affects their behavior, then successful home sellers MUST have a pleasing visual presentation of the "product" for sale. Just like when choosing products on a store shelf, a buyer must use what they can see to make a decision. They don't know how wonderful the product might be unless they can see the proof.
In real estate, this proof is shown in the form of well designed, spacious rooms with good flow, ample storage, maintained yards, a peaceful color palette, cleanliness, good work spaces, and places to relax and play. You are selling a promise that this house is better than the others, and just right for them.
What buyers see will determine how they feel and how they behave. If they feel that promise of comfort, they will be ready to buy. Your home holds stories for you and that can sometimes blind you to what other people see. This is why we offer our in-home consultation service for homes that will be lived in while listed. We will come in with a fresh perspective and assess your home from a buyer's point of view. When we leave, you'll know exactly what needs to be accomplished before photo day and before each showing.
And don't worry, we're just people too. We have each been married many years, raised children, bought, renovated and sold homes, and we know that the way we live is different than the way we sell. So we understand the piles on the counters and the stuffed closets. We will gently guide you through this tricky process and relieve the stress of the unknown.
Invite us in and let's get Ready and Set to Show!
Jan & Teresa